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Discover How I Turned My Online Group Into a 6-Figure Success

And how you too can explode your brand and generate new income streams using the power of Facebook Groups

How often do you ask yourself, “Is anybody out there even listening?”

You know that Facebook groups can do wonders for businesses, but . . .

Without any brand recognition, growing an audience from scratch feels completely daunting!

Gaining traction with your Facebook group seems impossible, but you want to take advantage of this powerful platform to generate quality leads and increase revenue.

You need a clear framework that boosts your momentum and know-how so you can put your Facebook group to work for you.

It’s an Online Group, Not Rocket Science, right?

How hard can it really be? You start a Facebook group and invite everyone to join. You have great things to share, but get stuck trying to come up with fresh content day after day. The grind of churning out new posts is taking all your time and energy. And to top it off, you’re not moving the needle on engagement. The group just feels flat (and quiet . . . too quiet!).

You’re questioning whether you can really do this . . .

The Pressure To Perform

Being the face of your brand can be intimidating. How are you going to come up with something interesting to say every single day? You are anxious about doing Live streams . . . what if you freeze up on screen? You’re concerned that you’ll lose membership if you aren’t consistently creating valuable content.

Lack of Time

You are already a busy professional with a lot on your plate. How can you keep up with a group that needs daily attention? From navigating ever-changing Facebook policies, developing a solid social strategy, and responding timely to members’ comments and questions – it can feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day to devote to one more thing.

A Crowded Platform

There are tons of people already out there running successful Facebook groups. Is there really any room left for you to succeed? The competition has a loyal following that makes you feel outnumbered. It’s difficult to see how you can cut through the crowd to stand out and shine. You’re worried that failure is inevitable because of the high saturation of active online groups.

but i've discovered

You’re not alone in these doubts . . .

I have been right where you are. While I had a successful dental career and a beautiful family, I had zero online presence.

I took a leap of faith when I began building my own Facebook group Nifty Thrifty Dentists. My group is for dental professionals to share money-saving tips that benefit their practices. To my delight, the group completely took off! I suddenly had thousands of followers, profitable affiliate deals, and incredible networking opportunities.

I’m confident that you can do this too, too! In just one week, you’ll master my replicable framework which gives you everything you need to launch a wildly successful Facebook group.

A Dream For More

In 2017, I decided to grow beyond my dental practice. I knew I could powerfully impact the lives of others, and I was ready to go for it.

My first approach was to connect with the most prominent Dental Meeting Planners in the country to join their roster of speakers. But without a national name for myself and almost no speaking experience, they weren’t interested. I was stumped! How could I gain experience if no one was willing to give me a chance?

I decided to create my own platform and build a following from there. I was determined to prove to the Dental Meeting Planners that I could make a name for myself on my terms. And that is just what I did!

When I created my Facebook group, Nifty Thrifty Dentists, I was thrilled to finally reach the audience of dental professionals I was seeking.

My group is at 37,000 members and counting. It feels so great to finally share my message. I also created a profitable networking space that benefits myself and others.

My name is no longer a mystery in the world of dental professionals. And I accomplished that through the art of building a Facebook group, all while maintaining my busy career and home life.

Get ready to discover more about how Groupologie will help you skyrocket your brand and establish yourself as a leader in your industry.

just imagine how good it will feel when. . .

  • Your name is a powerhouse in your industry
  • Your career advances faster than ever before
  • You blow over the income plateau that you thought you’d never surpass
  • Your network grows, bringing you new and exciting opportunities to continue expanding your reach

This course lays out a proven roadmap for you to:

Expand your brand & ditch the hustle...

Groupologie teaches you a concise strategy to generate more reach for your business. This proven framework will help you launch your own Facebook group and monetize it. Welcome to a new marketing paradigm! You can stop hustling or buying expensive ads and let the leads come to you!

Build More Than Just A Brand

Groupologie will solidify your business and revolutionize your marketing and profit strategies.

6-Figure Growth

My online group generates a 6-figure income on its own. And you can maintain your career too while substantially boosting your revenue with Facebook groups. Skyrocket your profits and achieve your big-picture goals.

From Unknown To Well Known

After starting a Facebook group, your circles of influence will begin to grow (and quickly!). When you launch your group, you gain the satisfaction of positioning yourself as the expert in the room. Soon your brand recognition extends past the group, launching your name far and wide.

Facebook groups can drive your career momentum beyond what you’ve experienced before. By capturing a niche audience, you too have the opportunity to generate 6-figures in sales, and I’ll show you how!

Introducing Groupologie

Discover how to launch and monetize Facebook groups to boost your business and explode your brand.

This powerful course will deliver a step-by-step action plan to help entrepreneurs and working professionals employ a whole new marketing strategy through Facebook groups.

You will discover how to generate endless warm leads and a whole new income stream in just one week. Feel confident with a concise approach that allows you to expertly launch your group and get your target audience’s attention.

These proven methods save you time and frustration to accelerate your success:






The Right Mindset

Become the leader your group needs. Your group will create interest and buzz when it fills a niche that your industry is lacking. You’ll be prepared to build your brand like never before and strategically monetize opportunities as they naturally arise. I’ll show you how to leverage your passions and previously mastered skill-sets to make your group run effortlessly.

Assemble Your Team

You’ll discover how to stay in your field of genius by up-leveling your delegation skills. By employing the help of a Virtual Assistant, I’ll show you how to be in two places at once. Gain access to crucial virtual tools that will help you repurpose content and keep your groups growing.

Capitalize Your Group

Master methods for promoting your products and services within the group to gain new leads. Be confident offering Live streams to boost membership and spread your message further. Get even further ahead when you learn to monetize your group with upsell opportunities and affiliate deals.


What a relief to take the guesswork out of the process. You will have everything you need to launch, grow, and monetize Facebook groups with success. My methods are proven to get results, setting your group on the fast track to being a huge asset to scale your business to great heights.

Make An Impact That Lasts

A Different Future Is Waiting

With Groupologie, you are building an audience that is not only listening to you but wants to hear more from you! Revamping your marketing efforts with Facebook groups will free up tons of time for your personal life (while saving you money when you stop paying for ads).

My time, energy, and bottom line were all transformed once I launched my online group. I know that a more abundant and exciting future is possible for you.

Don’t stay stuck in the same old marketing hustle. Your future audience is waiting to hear from you! I’m excited to show you how to do it.

Launch, Grow & Monetize

These incredible BONUSES will allow you to maximize the benefits of this course and get your group started (and making you money) fast.


FB Group 90 Day Post Plan

($500 Value)

The first 90 days of any new venture are crucial. The same can be said about a FB Group. So whether you are starting a new group or re-igniting one, we will give you a 90 days of posts to get started.


Groupologie Course Workbook ($150 value)

This intensive workbook will allow you to review all the systems and concepts laid out in Groupologie.


Increasing FB Group Engagement Webinar ($100 value)

Gain crucial insights on how to keep your group active and members engaged. This webinar is filled with tips and tricks to ensure your group keeps gaining momentum (without being a drain on your time).


Facebook Group Templates ($300 value)

This incredible book is a must-have resource for every entrepreneur. Keep it on hand for inspiration and for helpful advice as you grow your Facebook group.



This 5-Part Course Includes:


The Art of Groupologie

Introduction to the 3 Pillars

Goals for the Course

The Mind

The Groups Mindset

Groups As Business Growth Vehicle

Establishing Your Triangle OF Genius

The Framework

How to Grow Your Group | Leveraging your Circle | Culture and Branding | Delegation and Virtual Assistance | Repurposing Content and Concepts

The Strategy

Networking Techniques | Going Live: Streams, Zoom, Podcasts | Monetization Techniques | Affiliate Deals | Promoting Your Service/Products | Upselling to the Group


Best Practices For Groups | Social Media as Your Business Card | Conclusion and Final Thoughts

Plus Grab These 4 Fantastic Bonuses to Enhance Your Progress:

  • FB Group 90 Day Post Plan ($500 Value)
  • Groupologie Course Workbook ($150 value)
  • Increasing FB Group Engagement Webinar ($100 value)
  • Facebook Group Templates ($300 value)

TOTAL VALUE = ($2500)

Get this offer for

ONLY= $497

Don’t Wait To Get Started

You can’t let hesitation hold you back.

Do you hear that? Your future group members are waiting for you!

This next step of your professional journey will allow you to target your niche audience, implement a highly profitable marketing plan, and skyrocket past old financial thresholds.

Take action today. When you effectively use Facebook groups, you place your business in the best possible position to expand your reach and secure an additional, steady revenue stream. Get one step closer to a future fulfilled with endless career potential and personal freedom.